
Feb 22, 2011

onOne Software Offers Free Aperture Presets

onOne Software Offers Free Aperture Presets: "

These presets have probably been around for awhile but I just found them while poking around the onOne Software site.

They’re not too bad either, there’s one called the "Urban 1" I like. You can see it’s effect below.

Here’s a link to the onOne free presets.

They also have free presets for Lightroom, Photoshop, and Camera Raw.



Feb 10, 2011

Did You Know Lightroom Can Soft-Proof?

Did You Know Lightroom Can Soft-Proof?: "

You may not have heard but there’s a soft proofing plug-in available for Lightroom 3. You can find it over at When Lightroom 3 came out, I know a bunch of you were upset that soft proofing wasn’t included, so this at least offers an alternative (and very reasonably priced at £ 10.00). Now, I know this will probably start a religious battle, but personally the soft proofing feature does nothing “for me” (key words here: “for me”). I guess I’m curious about how much of an impact it’ll make for you. I’m a pretty firm believer in a “hard proof” (AKA: doing a test print). I don’t use the soft proofing feature in Photoshop when I print and I probably won’t use a soft proofing feature in Lightroom either. I get to talk to a lot of people at seminars throughout the year, and I really try to listen to their problems when it comes to printing. The main issues that I hear when it comes to printing revolve around a) the prints being too dark and, b) not being able to proof your output sharpening. Well, soft proofing doesn’t really solve either of these. But you know what does? A test print :)

So what’s your thoughts? I fully expect the majority of feedback to differ from mine and I’m totally cool with that. In fact, because some people feel so strongly about soft proofing, I’m glad that there is a plug-in for it and I even hope that Lightroom includes it in the future for you. Personally, though, it’s just not for me. How about you?


Feb 9, 2011

[CP+ 2011] First shots and Video of Ricoh’s GRX first Leica M Mount

[CP+ 2011] First shots and Video of Ricoh’s GRX first Leica M Mount: "

[CP+ 2011] First shots and Video of Ricoh’s GRX first Leica M Mount

Last week Ricoh made the front page of most Tech Blogs and Photo Magazine by announcing its future CMOS module for Leica M Mount, and today we had the chance to see this new module in Action at CP+.

Unfortunately not available yet for testing, Ricoh however was kind enough for us to let us shoot pictures and video for you without the usual protective glass that protect all prototypes during such event.

Already a fantastic camera, Ricoh’s GRX mounted with Leica M Mount lenses will be just a pure bliss for any serious photographers!
