
Jan 31, 2011

GF2 at DxOmark (+ DxO analysys by Van Den Hammer)

GF2 at DxOmark (+ DxO analysys by Van Den Hammer): "

We already knew it and DxOmark confirms it. According to DxoMark there is virtually no difference between the GF2 and GF1 RAW image quality. Color depth, dynamic range and ISO performance are exactly on par. By far more worth to read is the article written by Peter van den Hamer and posted on Luminous Landscape. Peter explains how DxOmark works and how reliable it is: “Probably every image quality expert would have a somewhat different personal preference for a benchmark like this. But my impression is that the benchmark is pretty useful: I analyzed the model and the data, but didn’t find any serious flaws.

He gives many hints about how DxOmarks works and one was particularly interesting: “It should be clear by now that larger sensors (rather than larger pixels!) can produce less noisy images. This is simply because a larger sensor area can capture more light – and for reasonable resolutions this is pretty independent of the amount of MPixels the sensor’s surface has been divided into.

Click on the store name to directly check price and availability of the GF2: Amazon US , Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon UK, Amazon DE and eBay.


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