
Oct 30, 2012

21 October, 2012 - Fuji X-E1 Review

21 October, 2012 - Fuji X-E1 Review:
Fuji continues on a roll with a new entry in its exciting X series of cameras, the X-E1 which Nick Devlin has been working with and testing for the past little while.
Nick's review is now online.

"You and Jeff did it again!  A great series of videos.
I've watched the earlier Camera to Print series as well as the LR 2 & 3 videos and as usual, I learned

new technique and ideas even though I've been behind a camera for 45 years.
Additionally, the rapport you two have is most engaging, enjoyable, and totally different than the sterile video tutorials from others (I'm afflicted with being a visual learner). 
Again, a great series of videos that have helped me grow once again." 


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